The Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) and Ace arrive in England towards the end of the Second World War. At a secret naval base, Dr Judson has built a machine capable of breaking German cyphers, but the machine is in fact used to translate ancient runes and summon up Fenric, an evil creature from the dawn of time. Includes material not shown on the original broadcast.
Disc 1: Original TV Version
Special Features:
- Commentary
- Isolated Score
- Nebula 90
- Take Two
- Modelling the Dead
- Claws & Effect
- Title Sequences
- Production Subtitles
- Photo Gallery
- Easter Eggs
Disc 2: The Curse of Fenric – Special Edition
Special Features:
- Shattering the Chains
- Costume Design
- Recutting the Runes
- Easter Egg
DVD cover signed by Sophie Aldred